Currently, I am working in Private Practice as a Child and Family Therapist. I specialize in treating various issues, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, behavior problems, family conflicts, and trauma. I offer Individual & Family therapy, Parent Consultation, Coaching, Crisis Intervention, Group Counseling, and Parent Advocacy.
At Bayview Associates, SouthShore Mental Health in Quincy, Massachusetts I provided outpatient and in-home therapy to persons, families, and groups across the developmental lifespan. Specializing in therapy for high-risk and traumatized individuals and families. I also provided Crisis Intervention and Risk Assessment at area hospitals. I interacted and consulted with families, parents, DCF, school personnel, outside agencies, and other clinicians to provide extensive psychological treatment and services to clients. Additionally, I provided direct and indirect interventions, behavioral programming, teacher consultation, and psycho-educational assessments.
At Melrose Public Schools in Melrose, Massachusetts I served as a school psychologist for the Melrose Public Schools, servicing approximately 600 students in grades K-8; provided counseling, group therapy, assessments, annual reviews, psycho-educational interventions, crisis intervention, and consultation. I interfaced with students, families, parents, DCF, administrators, teachers, and licensed psychologists in providing psychological treatment to the students within the district. I implemented direct and indirect interventions, behavioral programming, teacher consultation, psycho-educational assessments, and curriculum development.
At Sarah A. Reed Children’s Center in Erie, Pennsylvania I provided individual and family therapy for children 6-16 years who reside in a residential treatment facility due to severe behavioral and emotional difficulties. I Collaborated with therapists, direct care staff, psychiatrists, medical staff, teachers, and licensed psychologists in providing intensive psychological treatment to the clients. I provided direct and indirect interventions, behavioral programming, teacher consultation, psycho-educational assessments. I also served as a school psychologist providing counseling, group therapy, assessment screenings, psycho-educational interventions, and consultation with teachers, parents, counselors, and administrators.
DISSERTATION: Peer Aggression among Adolescents: Characteristics of the Victims. Collected original data from over 200 adolescents attending middle school to explore how personality traits, behaviors, and social status are associated with who is targeted as victims of peer aggression. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between personality traits, behavioral characteristics, and being a victim of peer aggression. This study explored the notion that adolescents with lower self-esteem, higher external locus of control, higher levels of anxiety, and lower levels of social support are more likely to experience peer aggression than adolescents who are more socially competent, more psychologically well-adjusted, and who have a higher internal locus of control.
D’Esposito, S.E. (Nov, 2012). Tools for Group Therapy. Presented as professional development training to South Shore Mental Health Staff, Quincy, MA.
D’Esposito, S.E., Blake, J. J., & Riccio, C. A. (July, 2011). Adolescents’ vulnerability to victimization: Interpersonal and intrapersonal predictors. Professional School Counseling
D’Esposito, S.E. (Sept 2010 - June, 2011). Bullying Among Children: What Can We Do?. Presented as professional development training to Quincy Public School Staff, Quincy, MA.
D’Esposito, S.E. (Sept 2010 - June, 2011). Mood Disorders: Differential Diagnosis of ADHD versus Mood Disorders in Children and Adolescents.Presented as professional development training to Randolph Public Schools Staff, Randolph, MA.
Berry, C., D’Esposito, S.E., & Pearl,M.P. (March, 2006). Borderline Personality Disorder and Self Mutilation among clients in a residential treatment program. Workshop presented at Sarah A. Reed Children’s Center Training Seminar Series, Erie, PA.
Berry, C., D’Esposito, S.E., Pearl, M.P. & Radcliff, K.L. (February, 2006). The Necessity of Self-Care in Graduate School and Internship. The Pennsylvania Psychological, 69, 19-20.
Berry, C., D’Esposito, S.E., & Pearl, M.P. (February, 2006). The Necessity of Self-Care in Graduate School and Internship. Presented at NorthWest Pennsylvania Psychological Association, Erie, PA.
Berry, C., D’Esposito, S.E., & Pearl, M.P. (January, 2006). RTI vs. Discrepancy Model – A Panel Discussion. Workshop and Panel discussion presented at NorthWest Pennsylvania Psychological Association, Erie, PA.
Williams-Nickelson, C., D’Esposito, S.E., & Keita, G. (July, 2004). Women Supporting Women: Mentoring Between APAGS and Eminent Psychologists. Workshop presented at the 2004 American Psychological Association Convention, Honolulu, Hawai’i.
Carter, F.J., Vlok, A., & D’Esposito, S.E. (August, 2003). So Many Choices: Finding the Right Doctoral Program. Workshop presented at the 2003 American Psychological Association Convention, Toronto, Canada.
Williams-Nickelson, C., D’Esposito, S.E., & Goodheart, C., (August, 2003).
Women Supporting Women: Are Students Balancing the Personal and the Professional Well? Workshop presented at the 2003 American Psychological Association Convention, Toronto,
Ph.D. in Child/School Psychology
Texas A&M University (APA Accredited)
College Station, TX
August 2006
B.A., Psychology
State University of New York
StonyBrook, NY
May 2001
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